Saturday, November 15, 2008

Brief comment on communication ...

Danielle and I are writing when we can, but for the moment our Internet access is limited. I will post a bundle of posts when I can, and soon we may become more regular.

Also, for anyone interested, my cell phone number will never work again. We will get new Pennsylvania numbers when we return. For now, I skype as robertpaulhartley and Danielle skypes as daniellehartley. We have Rwandan cell phones, I don't see us calling America often.

As an aside, we are sitting on the steps of the office for the Kigali diocese of the Anglican church (there is free wifi somewhere inside the building) and at this very moment, there is a wedding marching out of the church. It's pretty much incredible: marching band, soldiers, children's choir, fancy clothes. We're hidden just out of sight, but we're actually right by the procession and can see everything.

This is how we blog.

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