Saturday, November 01, 2008

SEEP Conference

SEEP: Small Enterprise Education and Promotion

Danielle and I will be in Washington DC next week to begin to meet micro-finance professionals and get up to speed on field issues we'll be applying in Rwanda. Danielle and I have the advantage of splitting up and doubling the sessions. Here's what's on our agenda:

Savings-Led Financial Services Working Group

Plenary Session:
Poverty Outreach and Microfinance

Business Process Management: A Tool for Increasing MFI (micro-finance institution) Efficiency
Consumer Protection in Practice
Hunger Crisis: How do we help our clients survive and thrive?
How Can Networks Support Their MFI Partners' Quest for Social Performance Management?
Market Development Mitigating Conflict

Breakfast Session:
Youth Enterprise & Financial Services: What's new and how does this affect your work?

Plenary Session:
Marketplace for the Retail Microfinance Investor: What microfinance can learn from eBay

Reducing Missed Opportunities: Capitalizing on microfinance service delivery for improved health
Practitioners as Knowledge Workers

Plenary Session:
Mainstreaming Sustainability: How large corporations change the way we do business

Some of the contributors for this conference:
USAID, Freedom from Hunger, Oxfam America, Accion, Brookings, Grameen, World Relief, Finca, Unitus, MEDA, Mercy Corps, and for the large corporations plenary session: Starbucks, Unilever, and Mars.

Thick descriptions or specific notes may follow after the conference. Then again, we'll be flying to Rwanda.

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